Heaven - 80x80cm
- sold
A dream of sky - 100x140cm
- sold
Glühender Himmel - 80x120cm
- sold
Endless horizon - 60x240cm
- sold
Born in the sky - 160x130cm
- private
Himmelsflug - 100x100cm
- sold
Himmelsweg - 160x130cm
- sold
Inspiration - 80x130cm
La mer et le ciel - 80x80cm
- sold
Inspiration du ciel - 60x240cm
- sold
La mer - 80x130cm
Leuchtender Himmel - 80x130cm
- sold
Place of mine - 80x180cm
- sold
Sonnenkraft - 130x160cm
- sold
Weite Reise - 160x130cm
- sold
Wolkenkraft - 80x180cm
- private